Kategorie: PDF Books

  • Russian Anti-War Songs

    Russian Anti-War Songs

    On the second anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine, Russian anti-war songs can serve as proof of something that today’s Kremlin rulers would probably condemn as „extremist“: that in Russia, too, there are people who detest war. In Russia, too, there is a strong tradition of anti-militarist thinking and poetry.…

  • Ilona Lay: October in the mountains. Meditations on happiness

    Ilona Lay: October in the mountains. Meditations on happiness

    What is happiness? Each person will give a different answer to this question. So there are no universally valid answers in this cycle of poems either. Instead, the cycle revolves around the essence of happiness in 17 meditations, which create a poetic monument to single moments of happiness. PDF Image:…

  • Dieter Hoffmann: Italian Poetry 1885 – 1950

    Dieter Hoffmann: Italian Poetry 1885 – 1950

    Giosuè Carducci – Giovanni Pascoli – Ada Negri – Eugenio Montale – Giuseppe Ungaretti – Salvatore Quasimodo – Mario Luzi – Antonia Pozzi – Cesare Pa­vese – Elsa Morante Italian poetry experienced an extraordinary heyday in the first half of the 20th century. The PDF/eBook Italian Poetry 1885 – 1950 opens a…

  • The Painter-Poet

    The Painter-Poet

    Jules Breton’s Pictorial Poems The poet, as is often said, paints with words. This is also the case with Jules Breton (1827 – 1906). However, mainly at home in the visual arts, he also stands for the special case of a painter who writes painted poetry, i.e. creates particularly pictorial…

  • Zacharias Mbizo: The Ukrainian Apocalypse

    Zacharias Mbizo: The Ukrainian Apocalypse

    Literary Miniatures PDF Book The atrocious killings in Ukraine are among the things that are usually said to leave us „speechless“. On the other hand, the monstrous nature of the crimes committed there requires that we do not remain silent about them. So these literary miniatures are an attempt to…

  • Anna Akhmatova and the Russian Soul

    Anna Akhmatova and the Russian Soul

    Poems against Terror Anna Akhmatova, a renowned poet before the October Revolution, becamean ostracised outsider in the Bolshevik state. This is also reflected in her poems. PDF Title: Olga Della-Vos-Kardovskaya (1875 – 1952): Portrait of Anna Akhmatova (1914); Moscow, Tretyakov Gallery (Wikimedia Commons)– Detail